Touch Consulting: Transforming business through technology

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Touch Consulting: Transforming business through technology

In the digital era, companies need to constantly adapt to remain competitive. Technology is one of the fundamental pillars to achieve this, but many times organizations face challenges in terms of technological infrastructure, processes and user experience. Therefore, at Touch Consulting, we are committed to accompany our clients in every step of their digital journey, offering solutions that seek to optimize their processes and increase their profitability.

Our experience in solving different technological challenges has allowed us to identify the 4 key components for an effective digital transformation:

  1. Solid technological infrastructure
  2. Digitalization and automation of processes
  3. User experience
  4. Ability to globally analyze and visualize information or Business Intelligence.

At Touch Consulting we have four lines of business that adapt to these needs:

Touch Cloud Services: We ensure a technological infrastructure that grows with you.

First, we have the Touch Cloud Services line, which focuses on providing a solid technological infrastructure in the cloud, ensuring the scalability and flexibility needed to meet business challenges in an agile way. We offer a customized methodology for migration and optimization of the infrastructure for each client, ensuring the security and availability of resources.

Touch Software factory and ERP services: We guarantee more efficient digital processes.

Secondly, we have the line of Touch Software Factory and ERP Services, with the aim of ensuring more efficient and automated digital processes. We develop web and mobile application development solutions that improve the efficiency and productivity of business activities, optimizing maintenance management and access to information in real time.

Likewise, with Touch ERP Services, we simplify the management of business processes through the implementation of an ERP and the development of customized add add-ons, allowing informed decisions and boosting productivity.

Touch Experience Design: Transforming the user experience.

Third, there is the Touch Experience Design line, which focuses on designing memorable user-centered experiences to drive business objectives. With our methodology and strategic perspective, we convert more potential customers into satisfied buyers. User experience design at every touch point is key to attract, convert and retain, and our methodology encompasses all aspects of interaction with the product or service.

Touch Data Science & Analytics: We enhance the ability to analyze and visualize information globally.

Finally, we have Touch Data Science & Analytics, which harnesses the power of data to enhance customer knowledge and accelerate decision making. We transform available data into valuable and accessible information, enabling us to reduce churn, forecast demand, segment and personalize the customer experience, and improve efficiency in supply chain management, among other aspects.

Our experience in solving technological challenges has allowed us to identify the key components for an effective digital transformation and develop the lines of business that adapt to them. From ensuring a solid and scalable technological infrastructure, to designing memorable user user-centric experiences or enhancing the ability to analyze and visualize information globally.

And now tell us your technological challenge

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